Online cooking class: Vegan cooking made easy

Learn how to put delicious vegan meals on your plate in this online cooking class. Swing the cooking spoon and learn cooking tips and tricks.
Barbaras Kochschule 5,0 - 1 review

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Team events and private groups
The vegan online cooking class is also suitable as a private or team event.
What's included
The vegan recipes used & professional cooking instructions.
The vegan cooking class takes place online.

Class description

Vegan cooking is not easy at first glance, but it is much, much easier than most people think. Non-vegans often assume that eating vegan is primarily associated with sacrifices and efforts. Vegans, on the other hand, experience a true variety of flavors. Dive into the world of vegan nutrition online in this vegan cooking class.


What is the process of the vegan online cooking course?

  • Before the cooking class, you will receive a list of the cooking equipment you need and a shopping list with vegan ingredients, as well as the vegan recipes that we will cook.
  • This 2-3 hour online cooking class explains exactly how you can prepare the best vegan dishes in your local kitchen.
  • During the online course, you will receive professional assistance in preparing vegan dishes.
  • You'll receive tips and tricks about vegan cuisine and take your cooking skills to the next level.


Who is the vegan online cooking class suitable for?

The course is suitable for anyone who wants to develop or further refine their cooking skills. It doesn't matter whether you eat vegan or not. Everyone gets a taste for vegan cuisine here 


What is included in the vegan online cooking class?

  • List by email with the required cooking equipment (don't worry, there is nothing unusual about it;))
  • Shopping list with vegan ingredients for the cooking class via email in advance
  • All vegan recipes that we will prepare so that you can continue to cook the dishes in the future
  • Preparation of various vegan dishes under professional guidance
  • Cooking tips and tricks


Where does the vegan cooking class take place?

This cooking class takes place online. You will receive a link to the online event in good time in advance. This allows you to cook from the comfort of your own kitchen under professional guidance. There is also plenty of time to ask all your questions.

Details to remember

What to bring?

For the vegan online cooking class, you need a stable Internet connection, as well as the equipment and ingredients for the recipes.

What is included?

  • List by email with the required cooking equipment
  • Vegan shopping list via email in advance
  • Vegan recipes via email in advance
  • Preparation of various vegan dishes under professional guidance

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Barbaras Kochschule

We are a dynamic team with lots of experience from various areas. Our colleagues have already cooked in the best hotels. We are looking forward to your visit and can hardly wait to share our knowledge with you.

5,0 - 1 review
Verified partner

I really enjoyed the course. Some things went a bit fast, but overall everything was well explained.