Breath workshop in Hamburg: Your untapped potential
Teamevent from €79.00 per Person
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Team events and private groups
What's included
Class description
Are you using the full potential of your breath? Or is he bobbing about like that?
Time to give him the attention he deserves and discover him as your power pool.
How does this activity work?
An diesem Nachmittag
> lernst du deinen Atem kennen (und schätzen)
> erfährst du, welcher Atemtypus du bist
> erweiterst du dein Atemvolumen
> lernst du, wie dich dein Atem im Alltag auf unterschiedlichste Weise unterstützen kann (bei Stress zum Entspannen oder vor Höchstleistungen für mehr Energie)
> entdeckst du deinen Atem als Kraft- und Ruhepool
> erlebst du, wie du mithilfe deines Atems ungeahnte Kräfte in dir weckst
> erfährst du, wie sich Atem und Bewegung ergänzen
In vertrauensvoller Atmosphäre entdecken wir in einer kleinen Gruppe (maximal 8 Teilnehmende) das Potential unseres Atems.
Dabei erfährst du einige theoretische Hintergründe, der Schwerpunkt liegt aber am selber ausprobieren und erfahren - alleine und in 2er, 3er oder 4er Gruppen.
Who should definitely take part?
For anyone between 20 and 90 who is curious to find out what else our breath is good for besides inhaling and exhaling.
No previous experience is necessary (or we all have it somehow, right?)
Participation requirement: As a preventive measure, this workshop is aimed at healthy people. If you have psychological or physical symptoms that require treatment, please clarify your participation with your doctor beforehand (this includes epilepsy, depression, asthma, COPD, heart failure). By registering, you confirm your physical and mental health and release the provider from any claims for compensation in this regard.
Details to remember
What to bring?
Thick socks (shoe-free spaces)
If necessary, your own drink and snack (tea will be provided)
What is included?
Theoretical input
Practical guide
Exchange/time for individual questions
Use of exercise mats, blankets and pillows
InTakt Gesundheit
I am a certified mindfulness teacher, relaxation teacher and systemic coach and would like to make your life easier by showing you ways to stress less and get more out of life in a short period of time. In HH and online