Ein Barkeeper gießt Cocktails in zwei Gläser.

Food & drinks in Frankfurt

206 results in Frankfurt am Main

Food & drinks classes in Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, you will find a variety of food and drinks that covers different tastes. You can choose between numerous classes and workshops, so we are sure that you will find the right event for you. Whether it is a tasting or a cooking class - you will experience culinary delights!

Our classes and workshops all about food and drinks can also be given as a gift. With our gift voucher, you have found the perfect gift idea for your loved ones!

Food & drinks selection in Frankfurt

  • Tastings
  • Wine tastings
  • Cooking classes

Food & drinks classes as a team event in Frankfurt

If you are looking for a team event in Frankfurt, konfetti is the right place for you. Our food & drinks classes are suitable for team events and group events for companies, as well as bachelor and bachelorette parties. Just send us your request for a private event. We will be happy to advise you further.

How long do your food & drinks classes in Frankfurt last?

Our food & drinks classes in Frankfurt usually last about 2-4 hours. For more information, please have a look at the course description.

What are the costs of your food & drinks classes in Frankfurt?

The classes and workshops all about eating & drinking in Frankfurt cost about 39-119 €. You can find detailed information on the respective course page.

Class categories Class costs
Cooking classes approx. 90,00-92,00 €
Tastings approx. 39,00-119,00 €
Chocolate workshops approx. 49,00 €

If you need more information or have any questions, you can contact us via Live-Chat.

Food and drinks you should try in Frankfurt