Ein Barkeeper gießt Cocktails in zwei Gläser.

Tasting in Cologne

Explore tastings in Cologne

Indulge in our tastings in Cologne, featuring high-quality foods and beverages. From rum, gin, and beer to chocolate, we offer a diverse array of culinary delights.

Are you on the lookout for a tasting in Cologne? Look no further! We provide a wide selection of tastings in Cologne that cater to every palate. With our extensive course offerings, you're sure to find the right tasting for you. Unleash the connoisseur in you and savor novel specialties in our tastings in Cologne. There are about 81 tastings in Cologne with an average rating of null and a total of 485 ratings.

Top selection of tastings in Cologne

  • [Whiskey Tasting and Tour], where you can sample eight carefully selected whiskys
  • [Chocolate Fondue Tasting], allowing you to explore various chocolate creations
  • [Sparkling Wine Tasting], immersing you in the world of sparkling wines

At Konfetti, you can taste everything from exotic dishes to your favorite whiskey. If you're a true enthusiast of food and beverages and enjoy trying new things, our tastings in Cologne are perfect for you.

How long does a tasting in Cologne last?

Our tastings in Cologne typically last 2-4 hours and cost approximately 19,00 € and 119,00 €. We have the right workshop for every budget. You can find more information in the course description.

Tastings in Cologne Duration Cost
Gin Tastings approx. 2 hours €49.00
Rum Tastings approx. 3 hours €79.00
Patisserie Course approx. 4 hours €89.00
Candy Tasting approx. 2 hours €30.00

Our tastings in cologne as a gift Idea

Our tastings in Cologne make for a fantastic gift idea for your loved ones. Simply book our gift voucher, offering a wide range of courses and workshops for the recipient to enjoy. We have the perfect Cologne voucher for you!

Tastings and sampling events in Cologne as a team event

Are you looking for a team event with tastings and sampling for you and your company in Cologne? You're in the right place. With our tastings, you can express gratitude to your employees for their hard work.

Book your team event now and experience a great day with your colleagues that will undoubtedly boost employee motivation.

Number of participants in our tastings in Cologne

  • Public Course
    • 15-20 people
  • Private Course
    • 5-10 people
    • 10-15 people

Feel free to contact us for a private event inquiry, and we'll help make your group event unforgettable. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us via live chat, email, or phone.

Organizers offering a top selection of tastings in Cologne