Viki's Vielfalt
Viktoria Fuhr address:
Pfründeweg, 32, Weitnau - BY, 87480, Germany
5.0 - 1 review
Verified partner
Individual, well-founded and entertaining, we are looking forward to part 2
Get to know Viktoria Fuhr
I am Viki!
I am both a teacher and a learner with heart and soul, who uses the wisdom of the body to make small and large people more physically and psychologically resilient. That helps me
- listening carefully to the body
- value-free and appreciative communication that serves the living in us
- Music that touches deep down and allows you to express the inexpressible
- Movement and dance, both valuable resources that connect me with myself and others
- Nature that supports healing processes and has everything healing in store for us.
What drives and moves me
- is the wisdom of the body, which is able to protect and regenerate itself even in the most difficult situations. That is why this resilience — known as resilience — is my constant motivation to get you on your way to living more easily and in harmony with yourself.