Mindfulness event in Weitnau: Free mindful dancing

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What's included
Class description
Mindfulness-free dancing does not focus on dancing according to given choreographies or physical fitness, but on the individually felt body expression that is created at this moment by mindful listening to one's own body. Inspired by different pieces of music from different musical genres, people dance alone, barefoot/with socks, eyes closed or even together. In an unintentional and value-free atmosphere without judgement, you can shake, jump, tap, weigh, clap and sing along with the music — just as you feel right now. The framework for this is a gentle arrival, through joint breathing and activation and perception exercises and a joint conclusion through being connected to one's own body and the group.
An evening that feels like a breath of fresh air for body and soul!
How does this activity work?
- Arrive: From 19:00 you can arrive at the studio, drink a cup of tea and get in touch with other participants.
- Start: At 7:30pm, after a short introduction, supported by selected music, we start to draw attention inwards. With the help of short impulse questions or exercises from Focusing according to E. Gendlin, we go on a non-verbal journey within ourselves, enter into a mindful dialogue between head and body. You move this or where it wants to move or as your body thinks it is right now.
- Highlight: At around 8-8:30pm, we reach the climax of the event musically and dancingly by dedicating ourselves completely to dancing to fast rhythms in order to express what cannot be put into words through physical expression/movement.
- Conclusion: The rest of the time we reconnect with ourselves, get back to ourselves through slow music and reflect internally on what we have experienced.
Who should definitely take part?
The event is for everyone aged 18 and over
- who want a break from the turbulent and top-heavy everyday life
- Like to move freely
- Appreciate well-selected music
- and would like to get to know a body-oriented mindfulness method.
No special fitness or fitness level is required.
Details to remember
What to bring?
- loose clothes
- warm socks or indoor shoes
- openness
What is included?
- water or tea
- fruit or small snack
- mats and yoga cushions
- coverings
- Room scenting with organic essential oils
- high quality sound
- Support from a qualified focusing therapist

Viktoria Fuhr
Resonate with your body for an easier life in harmony with yourself!