Frauenclub Hannover - Achtsamkeitsworkshops in Hannover logo

Frauenclub Hannover - Achtsamkeitsworkshops in Hannover

Frauenclub Hannover address:
Hohe Straße 11, 30449 Hannover, Germany
5.0 - 1 review
Verified partner

I had not only a wonderful relaxing day, but also lots of suggestions for everyday life, thank you very much

Get to know Frauenclub Hannover

Online & live courses for women. For more ease in life!

What is this about:
The club is about teaching you methods and strategies to better manage your everyday life, achieve your goals, change things and thus be able to live your life more consciously and satisfactorily.

What do you get here:

  • You will receive a wide range of courses and events that will help you move forward, eliminate obstructive habits and strengthen your strengths. And that in exchange with great women who want to develop just like you.
  • You get a new space for so-called self-care, me-time or simply valuable time for yourself. Time that fulfills you, makes you happy, satisfied and self-confident.
  • You get clarity, focus, motivation, additional energy and power for your life, goals, and professional and personal success.