Digital photography basics - WestPark Ingolstadt

Find the right exposure for perfect photos.
Fototrainer Wink - New

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Team events and private groups
The course takes place in a group of max. 8 participants.
What's included
Course materials, coffee and water during theory
The course takes place at the Schanzer Fahrschule in Westpark Ingolstadt and in Piuspark.

Class description

In the basic course, we will work intensively with the automatic aperture and time modes, which, for example, can be used to control the depth of field in order to optimally stage the subject.

How do I adjust my autofocus correctly so that the images get more sharpness?

In this photo course, you will learn the basics of photography to take significantly better photos:
• Understanding and using ISO/aperture/ time • Setting the ISO number to suit the lighting situation
• Setting and moving the AF point correctly
• Designing the focus area using aperture, focal length and distance
• Introduction to image design • Constructive image discussion

How does this activity work?

  • After the introductory round, we'll start with some theory about the dependence on ISO/aperture/time.
  • Then we go to Piuspark for the practical part.
  • You will learn how to use automatic aperture and timer specifically for image composition.
  • In our large outdoor section, you will get valuable tips on how to better stage your subject.
  • The resulting pictures are finally discussed with the coach.

This basic course is also suitable for people who do not yet have much experience with their camera and are just starting out in photography.

Who should definitely take part?

For every camera owner with the ability to manually adjust ISO, aperture and time. Any bridge, system and SLR camera is suitable for this.

Details to remember

What to bring?

Equipment needed:

  • camera
  • Fully charged battery Ideally a charged spare battery.
  • Memory card with space for approx. 300 pictures.
  • camera manual, if available.


What is included?

Documents will be available for download after the course.


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Fototrainer Wink

” Durch ein Foto friert man einen Moment ein, damit man ihn mit anderen teilen kann.” In den letzten 8 Jahren als Trainer, Workshopleiter und als Fotograf habe ich viel erlebt und es gibt kaum ein Geheimnis über Kameras, Objektive und Licht, das ich nicht kenne.

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