Road of Happiness - Kreative Reise in Hamburg
Get to know Road of Happiness
Hey, I am Nicole.
Founder of Road of Happiness, visionary, spiritual traveler, artist, in love with the mystical world of creative energy and a loving mother of two enchanting children who can hardly wait to embark on the journey on your Road of Happiness with you.
I am a certified business coach, Neurographik® specialist, stress management specialist (IHK) and have the 2nd degree in Reiki.
As a passionate artist and coach, I specialize in accompanying people through the medium of drawing and energy work. In these challenging times, I invite you to explore the powerful world of Neurographics® and Reiki together with me. In this way, I help people relax and get to know themselves and their own needs better. Because even Confucius recognized “Strength lies in peace.”