Frauenbaumarkt: Schneiderei in Duderstadt logo

Frauenbaumarkt: Schneiderei in Duderstadt

Frauenbaumarkt by AnDo address:
Haberstraße 25, 37115 Duderstadt, Germany
5.0 - 2 reviews
Verified partner

Practical tips and help with adjusting the overlock are important. The course is worth it! Thanks AnDo 🙂


I really enjoyed the course, it was fun and very informative. As a participant, however, you should already have wo...

Get to know Frauenbaumarkt by AnDo

In beautiful Duderstadt, which is located in the district of Göttingen, we offer you a wide selection of sewing machines as well as fabrics, wool and everything that goes with sewing and knitting.
Our retail shop also includes a tailoring shop, whose premises also hold sewing courses.
Stop by when you pay a visit to Untereichsfeld.