Lernen mit allen Sinnen für Kinder - Workshop in Münsing

Effektives Lernen durch Sinnesintegration: Praktische Übungen, Tipps & DIY-Öle-Touch-Roller für mehr Motivation und Erfolg.
Eva Niggl - New

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Team events and private groups
For children from 3rd to 6th grade.
What's included
Workshop, exercises, script & DIY oil touch roller.
In my practice, Hauptstr. 35, 82541 Münsing.

Class description

In this interactive workshop, children in the 3rd-6th grade learn how to learn more sustainably and effectively through the use of all senses. Playful brain integration exercises, helpful everyday tips and practical methods ensure that what you have learned is better remembered. In addition, the children make their own oil touch roller, which serves as an anchor for motivation, relaxation or self-confidence.

How does this activity work?

  • Introduction: What senses are there and why are they important for learning?
  • Brain integration exercises: How they help and how they can be used
  • Tips and exercises for a good start to everyday school life
  • Effective learning methods for sustainable learning success
  • Bonus: Make a custom oil touch roller to help you learn

Who should definitely take part?

For 3rd-6th grade kids who want to improve their learning skills and try out new methods.

Details to remember

What to bring?

  • Comfortable clothes
  • writing materials


What is included?

  • 2-hour interactive workshop
  • Practical exercises for better learning
  • DIY oil touch roller to take away
  • Script with tips and instructions


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Eva Niggl

Kinesiologist & dōTERRA Consultant ✨ Inner Strength and Stability

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