Calling & Soul Plan - Why am I here? online workshop

Find your soul plan and meaning of life. Experience shamanic rituals, meditations and transformative healing on a profound soul journey.
Schamaninblut - New

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Team events and private groups
Great for personal and spiritual growth
What's included
shamanic rituals, meditation, soul travel, healing techniques
Take part online, from the comfort of your own home

Class description

Do you often ask yourself the question: “What is my true calling? “In this unique shamanic workshop, you will be taken on a profound soul journey to discover your true purpose and gain clarity about your life path. With the help of powerful shamanic rituals, guided meditations and healing techniques, you will learn to connect with your soul plan and develop your full potential.

In a protected space, these spiritual practices help you release old blockages and purify your energy field. You'll gain valuable insights that help you identify obstructive patterns and see your path more clearly. Whether you are looking for your professional or personal vocation, this workshop brings you one step closer to a more fulfilling and conscious life.

In addition, the exchange with like-minded people gives you new perspectives and insights, while the joint rituals create a strong connection to the group.

The workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to find their true purpose or progress on their spiritual path. No previous experience is required. Sign up now and start your journey to greater fulfillment and clarity!

How does this activity work?

  • Ritual and ceremony: Start the evening with a powerful shamanic ritual that takes you into the sacred space and opens your senses for the upcoming journey.
  • Guided meditation: Let yourself be guided through a meditative journey that brings you to the roots of your soul plan. Experience the clarity and meaning that your innermost self has in store for you.
  • Soul journey: get insights and answers to your life questions
  • Healing and transformation: Experience the healing power of shamanic techniques that release blockages and realign your energies to live in harmony with your true self.

Who should definitely take part?

This course is for people who are looking for their deeper meaning in life and want to connect with their soul plan. This workshop is for anyone who is ready to embark on a transformative journey.

Details to remember

What to bring?

  • You need a mobile device and stable Internet access
  • Comfy clothes
  • notebook if you want


What is included?

Hi, I'm Laura Fischer. I have a practice for regulatory skin therapy, complementary medicine, shamanic healing and homeopathy. In this course, I will give you:

  • participation in the shamanic ritual and ceremony
  • Guided meditations and soul journey
  • Shamanic healing techniques for transformation





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