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Vinum Domum book classes

Vinum Domum address:
Münchener Straße, 6a, Gerolsbach - BY, 85302, Germany

Get to know Vinum Domum

Is there something about ancient Rome in our name? It's no accident. We deliver “vinum domum”, the “wine to your home.”

Because more than 2000 years ago, a lot of fundamental work was done in our favorite region, today's Palatinate, for its current importance as a sun-drenched growing region for many world-famous wines. Couriers on horseback ensured the exchange of information on the emerging road networks in the Roman Empire. Logistics of goods was a complex undertaking.

And what does that have to do with wine? Well, the complexity is still there today. Only this is now more about making a decision from the variety of available information.

Finding a good wine for me with the perfect price-performance ratio requires more effort today than ordering and delivering it.

Dear wine lovers, these pages of our shop should help you every time the wine supply at home runs out.
We offer a selection of affordable wines from mostly old German growing regions, with sustainable farming methods, modern processing and fair prices straight from the producer.