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Bierfabrik Innsbruck book classes

Bierfabrik Innsbruck address:
Viaduktbögen, 24, Innsbruck - Tirol, 6020, Austria

Get to know Bierfabrik Innsbruck

Finally, good beer from Innsbruck's city center.

And we don't just pretend to brew locally, we actually do it, in viaduct arch number 25.

Think local, drink local is our motto. Except for our master brewer Michal. It comes from the Czech Republic, but this has a very positive effect on the quality of the drink. In the 25er Bogen, you can sit down comfortably and enjoy our regional delicacies on site. In summer, there is a small guest garden on the back, as befits any ordinary Bräustüberl.

And what does it taste like? Innsbruck Lager is said to have a malty body with hoppy or in Guat Deitsch: Herb, tasty, refreshing. In addition to the lager, there is the dark, full-bodied, malty amber special. Ours is rounded off with a fruity, tart pale ale, which gets its special taste from herbs from the alpine pasture.

Make beer, not war!

Fun fact: Our line runs across Dreiheiligen Straße under the tracks for cool storage from 25er to 24er. Others blow up gas pipelines in the ocean, we build pipelines in the mountains. Cheers!