Balzbraeu - BierTastings bei Bremen
Get to know Balzbraeu
Balzbraeu - it was in summer 2016 (around June) when a good friend and I decided to brew a beer together. The name Balzbraeu was quickly found because there was one thing we certainly didn't want: to take ourselves too seriously and to give the name a wink. Beer and courtship always go together somehow! The necessary utensils and ingredients were quickly ordered on the Internet and so the story of Balzbraeu probably began just like many other small breweries: in a mulled wine cooker on the balcony. The first beer, how could it be otherwise: an IPA. The way we made it, it tasted surprisingly good...
And then life happened: the birth of the junior was approaching and we moved back to my wife's home in the North. The following years I only focused on trying various beers and probably the biggest adventure of life: Being parents - What a ride!
In 2019 I finally found a bit more time for Balzbraeu again and so the decision to try it soon matured: a brewer was purchased and the first brews were created, it was clear to me from the start that I only wanted to brew a beer as I would drink it myself. Since I grew up in Bavaria, there is obviously light in my blood - mountains, summit beer and letting God be a good man: my definition of freedom!
Through my time in the USA, I came into contact with “craft beer” early on (just that it wasn't called that back then) and during my years in the North I learned to appreciate a good pilsner.
And, so the first beer is an “American Hell” the color like a Sam Adams bottom-fermented like a classic Munich Hell and probably my most personal beer.
This is what this beer should be like all others: honest and no experiments in terms of spices and other ingredients. A beer that you can drink all day and evening without being boring. For me, beer is beer, not wine that you have to discuss the most diverse southern slopes about.
But now it is ultimately up to the customer whether my taste is also different, which is also a reason why I won't do the brewing process myself at the beginning. At the beginning, I want to focus entirely on the recipes and the “brand.” Production at a later date. If I've learned (and heeded) anything in my previous professional life, it is to rely on experts (and then ultimately make the decision myself).
With that in mind:
Balzbraeu - Got Balz?