Watercolour Handlettering Potsdam: Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs

Vertiefe Deine Handlettering-Skills mit Aquarellfarben und kreiere beeindruckende Farbverläufe und kreative Hintergründe.
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Team events and private groups
Ideal for creative groups, team events, or private parties.
What's included
Workshop, handout, high-quality paper, drink included.
Eisvogel e.V., Großbeerenstraße 64, Potsdam — use the entrance on the corner.

Class description

Do you already have experience in hand lettering and would like to take your technique to the next level? In this workshop in Potsdam, we dedicate ourselves intensively to the art of watercolor lettering. You'll learn how to create impressive color gradients with watercolors, creatively design backgrounds and artfully stage your lettering. With brushes and brush pens, you experiment with different techniques to achieve unique effects. Be inspired and continue to develop your own style — in a small, creative group with individual support!

How does this activity work?

  • Introduction to watercolor techniques for hand lettering
  • Exercises on color gradients, shading, and effects
  • Create your own lettering compositions with watercolors
  • Individual support and creative inspiration
  • Final project: Your own watercolour lettering on high-quality paper

Who should definitely take part?

This workshop is aimed at anyone who has already gained initial experience in hand lettering and would like to refine their technique with watercolors. From 12 years of age (accompanied by a parent or guardian).

Details to remember

What to bring?

  • If available: Your own brush pens or favorite brush
  • Creative ideas and a desire to experiment

What is included?

  • 2-hour workshop in small group (max. 10 participants)
  • Handlettering handout with tips & techniques
  • High-quality paper for your watercolour lettering
  • Hot drink or soft drink included
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Zusatzoption: 1 Stunde länger malen !10,00 €

Möchtest Du Deinen Workshop verlängern und noch mehr kreative Zeit genießen? Mit dieser Verlängerungspauschale kannst Du die Dauer Deines Events flexibel erweitern und weiter an Deinen Projekten arbeiten. Ideal für intensivere Übungen oder extra kreative Freiheit!

Zusatzoption: Überraschungsgoodie5,00 €

Ergänze Dein Workshop-Erlebnis mit einem hochwertigen Handlettering-Stift und einem ausführlichen Handout! Perfekt, um die gelernten Techniken zu Hause weiter zu üben und Deine Schriftkunst zu verfeinern.

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