Ceramics course in Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin

In this clay course, learn what is behind handmade ceramics and modelling clay without a turntable. Let your creativity run wild!

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Team events and private groups
The pottery course in Berlin is suitable both as a private and as a team event.
What's included
Materials, tools, apron, insider tips, tricks and inspiration, a glass of water, hand cream
Studio in Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg

Class description

Your creative journey into the world of ceramics and clay modelling. Do you miss working with your hands and are fascinated by ceramics, pottery and the meditative use of clay? With this course, you can get your hands dirty and at the same time turn your own ideas into sound and forget about time. The artist Anke Buchmann invites you to her wonderful studio in Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg, for the ceramic starter course. In the three-hour course, you will learn the essential techniques, manipulations and material properties of clay and model unique pieces of ceramic such as vessels, sculptures or figures.

This is how we awaken your creative potential 


What is included in the pottery workshop?

Anke's course not only gives you insights into the world of clay modelling, but also into the skills and experience she acquired during her studies at London's Central Saint Martins Art University. In a relaxed atmosphere and under their guidance, you will model your own objects. Various tools and aids as well as the sound are available to you. If air-drying clay is used, the sculpted works can be taken home immediately afterwards or, in the case of ceramic clay, dried and fired in the studio (abrasive fire is included in the price). Both air-drying clay and ceramic clay (with fire) are included in the course price.

If desired, the fired objects can be glazed on site a few weeks later on a drop-in Saturday and fired again during the glaze fire. (additional charge of approx. 20 euros)


Where does the event take place?

Our creative adventure starts in Anke's wonderful studio in Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg.


What is the aim of our pottery workshop?

This pottery course teaches you essential modelling techniques such as the thumb pressure method, the beading method, panel construction and free modelling. You learn how to design your own ceramic objects, such as vessels, figures or sculptures, from scratch.

Optionally, you can choose between air-drying clay and ceramic clay. The fired objects can be glazed and re-fired on site (additional charge of approx. 20 euros).

How does this activity work?

In the first part of our ceramics course, in the heart of Prenzlauer Berg, you will be warmly welcomed by artist Anke Buchmann. Together, we'll discover the secrets of clay modelling. We dive into the essential techniques, techniques and material properties of clay to create unique pieces of ceramic such as vessels, sculptures or figures.

In the second part, it's time to get to work! Under professional guidance, you can then model your own object. Various tools and aids and, of course, the sound are available for this purpose.

Who should definitely take part?

This ceramics course is aimed at anyone who wants to express their creative side. No previous experience is required. Our course allows you to express yourself creatively in a fun and inspiring way and to proudly hold your personal ceramic objects in your hands after the fire.

Details to remember

What to bring?

  • Interest in creating, a desire to get your hands dirty and 2.5 hours.
  • It is advisable to wear clothes that can be washed at around 40*C and sturdy shoes that are not susceptible to dust.

What is included?

  • Materials such as clay and air-drying clay
  • Tools and aprons are available
  • Professional modeling guidance and advice
  • Scrub burn when using ceramic clay
  • 1 glass of water
  • Hand cream at the end of the course
Add more to your class

Here are some products you can add to your event

Schrühbrand8,00 €

Ton muss gebrannt werden, um zu Keramik zu werden. Erst nach einem Brand hat dein Objekt eine Chance heil zu bleiben. 

Der erste Brand ist der Schrühbrand, wobei das Tonobjekt bei 950*C für 2,5 Tage im Ofen ist. 

Nach dem Brand ist die Keramik stabil aber noch nicht Wasserdicht. Dazu braucht es einen weiteren Brand. (Siehe Glasurbrand)

Glasurbrand10,00 €

Voraussetzung für diese Option ist der Schrühbrand. Nach dem ersten Brand kann deine Keramik ein zweites Mal gebrannt werden, um wasserfest und gebrauchsfertig zu werden. 

Beim Glasurbrand ist deine Keramik bei 1220*C für weitere 2,5 Tage im Ofen. 

Der Preis ist ein Kilopreis. 

Glasurservice10,00 €

Voraussetzung für den Glasurservice ist der Schrühbrand und anschliessend der Glasurbrand.

Nachdem deine Keramik einmal gebrannt ist, kann ich das Objekt für dich mit transparenter Glasur Glasieren. Dann wird die Keramik ein zweites Mal gebrannt (bei 1220*C) und ist anschliessend glänzend, wasserfest und lebensmittelecht. 


HANDFUL is an invitation to slow down and connect through clay,
while paying tribute to traditional craft methods and material insights.

5,0 - 1 review
Verified partner

It was really great! Super relaxed atmosphere with great people:)