Oil painting class in Berlin - the still life in oil

Delve into the world of oil painting for a day
Burnt Sienna Art School Berlin
Teamevents und private Gruppen
The event is perfect for a teamevent
Welche Leistungen inklusive sind
All materials, studio equipment and light refreshments are included in the fee
The event takes place in Berlin
Teamevents und private Gruppen
The event is perfect for a teamevent
Welche Leistungen inklusive sind
All materials, studio equipment and light refreshments are included in the fee
The event takes place in Berlin


What can you expect from our Oil painting class in Berlin - the still life in oil?

Discover the fascinating world of oil painting and all its magic in our "The Still Life in Oil" class in Berlin. Embark on a journey with our experienced and knowledgeable tutor and immerse yourself in the art of oil painting.


What is the process of our Oil painting class in Berlin - the still life in oil?

Working on easels and canvases, you'll spend the day creating your very own oil painting. Under the careful guidance of our tutor, you'll start with drawings and then learn to prepare a palette of oil colors and handle the paint. You'll then develop your composition further and apply color. There will be demonstrations throughout the course and plenty of individual tips to support you. If you have a desire to paint and a love of colors, this class is perfect for you. You'll take home a finished oil painting or leave it to dry for later pickup.





Wichtige Details

Was Du mitbringen solltest

You do not need to bring anything with you only the desire to paint!

Welche Leistungen inklusive sind

Materials included but are not limited to dry colours in pastels, pencils and charcoal and various types of paper, wet Materials, oil colours mediums and panels for painting on all provided and chosen by the artist.

120,00 €
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Anzahl Tickets
Als Gutschein verschenken

Ab Kauf 3 Jahre lang gültig Einlösbar für über 4.500 Kurse Das perfekte Geschenk
120,00 € / Gruppe
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Für Teamevents oder private Gruppen. Individuelle Termine verfügbar. Unverbindliches Angebot erhalten.