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atelier.von buchen

Erfahre mehr über atelier.von

With atelier.von I created a platform for others and myself to live, explore, share and communicate the fascination of natural products. To celebrate the simplicity of everyday items within a sustainable lifestyle and to learn about crafting with pure materials. Living with the understanding and admiration for nature's gifts and treating those in balance with ourselves. Taking care of us, our spouses, our local surrounding and our world. Together with you, I want to explore this curiosity and reawaken our roots of letting our hands create. Natural dyeing is to me a valuation of all the above. Consciously deciding for nontoxic dyes and turning our back on the fast fashion environment. 

atelier.von Adresse - hier findest Du atelier.von:
Oher Weg, 20A, Witzhave - SH, 22969, Deutschland
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