POTterri by Terri: Ceramic and Pottery Classes logo

POTterri by Terri: Ceramic and Pottery Classes

POTterri by Terri Adresse:
Hugo-Hofmann-Straße 5, 82064 Straßlach-Dingharting, Deutschland

Erfahre mehr über POTterri by Terri

POTterri by Terri is a Ceramic Art Studio located just south of Munich, Germany in Strasslach.  In operation since 2007, POTterri by Terri expanded to a dedicated 100m space in December 2018. The Studio offers courses, workshops, and the opportunity for artists to come and work independently.

To provide a relaxing space where artists of all levels can come to escape daily stresses and explore their creative side. Classes are limited in size to ensure enough space and access to equipment, enabling students to create their dreams with clay.

Beginners will be taught all they need to know to enable them to create projects on their own. Over time, students can evolve to become more creative and independent. At this stage I facilitate needed learning while encouraging creativity and experimentation.