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clayground ceramics buchen

Erfahre mehr über clayground ceramics

We’re a ceramic studio for a diverse crew of clay-lovers. Ceramic artists, potters, sculptors, and mud enthusiasts from 14+ different countries are learning and building brands at clayground.

Our ceramic studio is a community of people who often work behind screens and seek a better balance. We envision a world where people like us turn off Netflix, put down the phone in the evenings, and make their own dishes instead.

But we know it takes time, space, inspiration and collaboration to make progress as a potter.

We provide courses for various skill levels, and studio space for members, to give them the time and flexibility to hone their craft.

Some of our members have even gone from total beginners to launching their own small brands and studios after developing their skill and style at clayground.

clayground ceramics Adresse - hier findest Du clayground ceramics:
Danneckerstraße, 7, Berlin - BE, 10245, Deutschland
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