Dance session in Berlin: x-dance | creativity in motion

This space is for you if you’re curious about releasing any tensions of daily life and finding greater freedom in your body.
Samar Linn - Neu
20,00 €

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Ab Kauf 3 Jahre lang gültigEinlösbar für über 8.000 konfetti ErlebnisseGutschein zum Selbstausdrucken
Ticket ab 20,00 € pro Person

Individuelle Termine anfragen. Auch für Firmenevents oder private Gruppen. Unverbindliches Angebot erhalten.

Teamevents und private Gruppen
Yes, please contact the organizer.
Welche Leistungen inklusive sind
Come on your own or come with a friend.
Center of Dance, Studio A, Schönhauser Allee 36, Berlin, 10435 Germany

Über diese Aktivität

x-dance is a dynamic practice that blends dance, self-expression and meditation in the same breath. Unlike traditional dance forms, there are no specific steps to follow here. Instead, you’ll be guided by an eclectic mix of music and inspirational prompts, inviting you to tune into your body, connect with yourself and to follow intuitive movement moment by moment. There are no “right” or “wrong” ways to move here - just an open invitation to discover and express yourself. 

  • Freedom to be: You’re invited to let go of the thinking mind, explore physical and emotional landscapes without any pressure of performance or “getting it right”
  • Invitations, not instructions: You’ll receive impulses and ideas to explore different aspects of movement and self-expression. Most importantly, you’ll be encouraged to follow what feels true for you.
  • Presence: Dance becomes a meditation in motion, inviting presence directly through the body in each movement. As you feel the music and let the dance move you, your thoughts will be allowed to quiet down. 

At the end of the session, you might feel more grounded and connected.  Perhaps you’ll discover creativity or insights on the dance floor. You might also discharge feelings like anxiety melting to relief, stuckness transforming into flow, anger dancing into liberation. You might get to know a new or renewed part of yourself. Perhaps after a few events, you might feel more at home in your skin. It’s possible, you’ll leave feeling greater aliveness, deep inner peace, joy and acceptance for what is.

Wie läuft die Aktivität ab?

  • Welcome + Introduction: After a guided warm-up through the body, we’ll have a general welcome and introduction to the theme for the evening before we go into the dance.
  • Dance + Music: Let go of any preconceived notions you might have about dance. Unlike anything you’ve experienced before, there is no choreography or special moves in this space. The music is played in a form of a wave where the rhythms will rise to a crescendo and then gently fall - and you’ll get to discover how it feels to move to those beats, moment by moment. During the dance, you’ll be guided with some words of inspiration and invitations (never instructions) to enhance your experience.
  • Gathering after class: Once the official dance is over, we open the space for all who want to stay and connect. There will be snacks, opportunities for exchange and spaces for quiet reflections, too. 
  • No phones: To allow for greatest spontaneity, creativity and freedom of expression, no phones on the dance floor. 

Wer sollte unbedingt teilnehmen?

You want to release any tension of daily life and connect with your body? You like music and want to find greater freedom in your body through movement? x-dance is an open and non-judgemental space that invites you to come exatcly as you are.  No previous dance or other experience required.

Wichtige Details

Was Du mitbringen solltest

Bring a water bottle | Indoor shoes optional – most people dance barefoot | Clothing that is easy to move and sweat in | An open and curious mind

Welche Leistungen inklusive sind

A kick-ass soundsystem and an excellent dance floor in a beautiful space. 

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Samar Linn

Räume schaffen, in denen du dich entfesseln und den wahren Ausdruck finden kannst. Erforsche Erotik, Suchtgenesung und Freiheit durch Tanz/Bewegung.

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