Make Linocut-Prints in Neukölln

Learn more about printing and make your own Linocut-Prints. Look forward to an exclusive group experience under the guidance of Marija in Berlin.
Mann hält ein Blattmotiv auf schwarzem Hintergrund.
Drucker hält Druckbogen über einer Druckmaschine in Werkstatt.
Ein Farbroller gleitet über eine bedruckte Oberfläche.
49,00 €

Gutschein kaufen
Ab Kauf 3 Jahre lang gültig Einlösbar für über 6.000 Kurse Das perfekte Geschenk
Ticket ab 49,00 € pro Person

Individuelle Termine anfragen. Auch für Firmenevents oder private Gruppen. Unverbindliches Angebot erhalten.

Teamevents und private Gruppen
Available as a team event.
Welche Leistungen inklusive sind
All materials that are needed to create your very own Linocut Prints.
Unsere Location findest Du unten auf der Karte

Über diese Aktivität

Learn how to produce your own linocut prints

The workshop begins with an introduction to linocut. After transferring your design to the linoleum, you’ll be taught basic cutting techniques using carving tools and shown how to ink your lino block to produce prints with the printing press.

Marija Brasnic is a professional printmaker experienced in relief and intaglio printing techniques. She will guide you through the whole process. 

The workshop is suitable for beginners and for those with some experience.  We are looking forward to your participation!

Wichtige Details

Was Du mitbringen solltest

Just be in a good mood. You are encouraged to bring your own 10 cm x 15 cm sketches. Alternatively, you can create it during the workshop.

Welche Leistungen inklusive sind

All the materials that are needed, as well as some drinks and snacks. 

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Marija Brasnic

I am a Berlin-based artist and art educator. I obtained a Master’s degree in Fine Arts, specialized in printmaking, at the academy of arts in my hometown Osijek, Croatia.

- Neu
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