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Barbara Friehs buchen


Erfahre mehr über Barbara Friehs

I am an Austrian painter and printmaker that likes to paint different themes. My style is cheerful and luminant often displaying every day life. Paintings are a handmade snapshot of the contemporary moment making it possible for the viewer to interpret his own personal experience or feelings into an artwork.I like to paint in bold bright colors that catches ones eye immediately. I have been introduced to the canvas the first time with twelve years old and understood for the first time that it will take some skill and a lot of practice to accomplish masterpieces.I decided to study advertising in San Francisco, California because I still had doubts about going straight to painting. I always enjoyed the painting and drawing classes more so than the marketing side of my studies. Since my father is from Mexico I also travel there frequently and I was able to work in a Mexican studio with a lot of different artists. Here in Graz I also share a studio with musicians, pottery artists and media artists as well as painters. It is interesting and fun to see what people come up with and how they transfer their ideas into meaningful paintings

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Hat Spaß gemacht und war für mich als Anfänger gut passend. Frau Frieß hat hilfreiche Tipps gegeben und auch ein bi...

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