Alternative Hamburg: Street art tour

Street art, graffiti, alternative scenes, local neighbourhoods
Gruppe steht vor einer Wandmalerei mit der Aufschrift „STAY WITH THE TROUBLE“.
Große Dekokugeln hängen, Menschen schauen fasziniert auf.
Bunte Graffiti-Tiere lächeln in urbaner Umgebung.
25,00 €

Gutschein kaufen
Ab Kauf 3 Jahre lang gültig Einlösbar für über 6.000 Kurse Das perfekte Geschenk
25,00 € / Gruppe
Termin auswählen
Ticket ab 25,00 € pro Person

Individuelle Termine anfragen. Auch für Firmenevents oder private Gruppen. Unverbindliches Angebot erhalten.

Teamevents und private Gruppen
This tour is suitable for private and team events.
Welche Leistungen inklusive sind
Tour , tour guide, stickers
Tour meets outside the S-bahn Sternschanze outside the train station on the corner of Sternschanze and Schanzenstrasse.
Deutsch, Englisch

Über diese Aktivität

Welcome to this wonderful tour experience where we take a close look at Hamburg’s , alternative scenes, street art and graffiti culture and local community through it’s amazing urban art, music, colourful neighbourhoods and creative projects.

This tour features many wonderful stories against a backdrop of some of the city´s best street art and graffiti. Let us take you off the tourist trail and give you an inside look into Hamburg’s local districts and alternative culture on this colourful, fun and inspiring tour.

Wie läuft der Kurs ab?

2 hr walking tour through the Sternschanze, Karoviertel and Gänsemarkt districts. 

Walking tour can be scheduled for any date and time.

On this tour, we will walk through some of Hamburg´s most vibrant districts, side streets, parks and bohemian neighborhoods . You'll gain insight into the thriving counter-culture movements that have made Hamburg such a fun, rebellious and fascinating city. 

We discuss controversial projects that affect the community, the infamous G20 demos and the history of the famous Rote Flora. You will learn about community protests, gentrification threats and urban art movements. Visit repurposed bunkers, urban gardens and creative hubs. Hamburg has been a victim of gentrification, perhaps more so than any other German city. On this tour we visit some key locations that are fighting to resist this trend and keep alive local lifestyle and alternative culture.

Throughout the tour, you will be introduced to a number of local and international graffiti and street artists. The street and graffiti scenes in Hamburg are unique and we will see many beautiful and interesting examples from graffiti walls, stencil art, mural and 3D installations.  

We will also learn about the influence the St Pauli Football club has in shaping the community spirit resulting in many community initiatives, projects and the clubs support for creative arts and the music scene in St Pauli district. We will pass by the Millerntor stadium and an incredible urban greenhouse project adjacent to the thriving Karoviertel and it´s cafe culture. 

Wer sollte unbedingt teilnehmen?

This tour is perfect for company groups, school excursions, groups of friends and families. 

Wichtige Details

Was Du mitbringen solltest

  • Transport ticket
  • Walking shoes

Welche Leistungen inklusive sind

  • Tour
  • Tour guide
  • Stickers
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