Nude model drawing in Hamburg: Learn how to draw

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What's included
Class description
Would you like to learn how to draw and have a great experience with your girlfriends at the same time? Then our drawing course for nude drawing in Hamburg is perfect for you! We'll teach you all the basics of drawing and show you what you need to pay attention to when shading and sketching.
We are already looking forward to welcoming you and your loved ones to our nude drawing course in Hamburg. In any case, we can guarantee you a creative event that you won't soon forget.
How does this activity work?
- You'll learn the basics of anatomy, sketching and shading
- You will get lots of tips and tricks from our artists on how to set the right accents
- You will learn to draw short positions (movement sketches) and longer positions
You will receive help from our professional artists throughout the process so that you get a great nude drawing at the end.
Who should definitely take part?
The nude drawing course is suitable for anyone who is interested in learning how to draw on a live model. In this way, you have the opportunity to deal with human anatomy on an artistic level.
In addition, the drawing course in Hamburg is great for events such as JGAs, where you want to get creative together.
Details to remember
What to bring?
Lots of good humor and creative energy, of course. We'll take care of the rest:)
What is included?
- All materials that are needed
- Guidance from our experienced artists
- Painting from different positions
- Drinks are available throughout the entire process
- You can choose the nude model, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman:)

konfetti Klassiker
Our konfetti Klassiker are known for being unique, fun and colorful. Whether it's company parties, JGAs or your upcoming birthday: With our classic konfetti, you will experience an event that you won't soon forget.